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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. D

    Archive through October 06, 2014

    Jim I'm not familiar with this style of U-joint, I'm use to the type that has a snap ring at the end of the cup. How do these come apart?
  2. D

    Archive through October 06, 2014

    It appears to me that the knuckle is too wallowed out.
  3. D

    Archive through September 28, 2014

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'm in need of a power shaft or someone who can fab one up for me for a H-42 snowthrower on a cc 782. The U-joints are of a non serviceable style and the left one on mine is bad. I could maybe get by with just the...
  4. D

    Archive through September 28, 2014

    Need a power shaft for an H-42 snowthrower on a CC782. Would like a whole new shaft with new U-joints but would settle for a good used male half of the assembly.
  5. D

    Archive through October 06, 2014

    Does anyone know of anybody who makes up the power shaft for an H-42 for a CC782? My power shaft has a bad u-joint and it is not a serviceable style. need to replace the whole thing. Hunting for answers.
  6. D

    Archive through September 28, 2014

    I need a left front spindle for a 1650 3/4" in diameter. Broke one off. Anybody have one that would be going to AW's plow day in Ohio? I would take others but I plan on being there and make it simple. Thanks David Gregg
  7. D

    Archive through July 23, 2014

    Dan Just a thought but check your battery connections for corrosion. They can corrode up but will ark some in the terminal and cause a buzzing type of noise. And the ark can burn thru and reconnect. Not likely your problem but an easy check.
  8. D

    Archive through May 26, 2014

    I had a CC seize a number of years ago. Don't remember exactly what model it was, a 125 I think. Anyways the dipper broke off of the end of the rod cap and starved it for oil. I parted the trator at that point although the engine block does live on in a friends CC. Was mowing and it started to...
  9. D

    Archive through May 24, 2014

    Dave S Your problem may not be in the head or the block at all. My brother had a 100, now mine that went thru head gaskets if worked hard, like mowing. The throttle shaft on the carb was worn real bad and under full load it leaked enought to lean out the mixture and overheat the head. The last...
  10. D

    Archive through May 15, 2014

    Did anyone make it to the auction in NE Ohio yesterday? How did things sell? What did the chipper/shreader bring? Would have liked to have went but other duties were in the way.
  11. D

    Bakers Acres

    Jeff Nice looking LaMancha's. Seeing the kids almost make me wish we still had goats. We milked and raised kids for 4-H. A lot of fun and work for a lot of years. People still ask if we have goats anymore, I just tell them I only have 1 old goat anymore and I let her stay in the house with me...
  12. D

    Archive through February 20, 2014

    Christian The button is never centereed on any I've been around. It just push's the release button on the PTO and as soon as it's released the pto quits spinning. Most of the wear in my opionion is when the buton rides against the pto button all the time, there should be a gap when the pto is...
  13. D

    Archive through February 04, 2014

    Jack W On my 1650 with dual hyralics the outer lever controls the angle of the blade this would be part # 18 on charlies diagram. On mine #19 doesn't look anything like in the diagram. It is a round pc with a lever welded to it. The lever shaft runs thru the center of the round. It is connected...
  14. D

    Archive through December 16, 2013

    Looking for a good K17 series II for a CC782. Near to NW Ohio would be good.
  15. D

    Archive through November 12, 2013

    Dennis The B/BN/A rearends are all bassicly the same, just a bigger version of the Cub's. The C while bassicly the same engine has a large case rear end with no final drive reduction on it. This would rule it out what you want to do. The transmission case for the B/BN/A are the same, just...
  16. D

    Archive through August 08, 2013

    I'm looking for a 129-149 or ????CC with a good deck for my son. Not really locked into a certain model. He just bought a house and I'll patch up a 100 for him to use the rest of this year. Close to NW Ohio or Columbus, Ohio a plus. E mail is in profile. Thanks
  17. D

    Archive through May 10, 2013

    OK I have commited myself to buying the 169 I mentioned in a post about a week ago, somewhat dismanteled, somewhat restored, broken block (balance gear grenade) and so on. With his and my work schedual I will pick it up next saturday. I'll post what I have then. I'm hopping I can weld the block...
  18. D

    Archive through April 29, 2013

    I wonder if a guy could weld the block since the crack is up the corner? Anyone ever try? David
  19. D

    Archive through April 29, 2013

    Thanks guys for your replies. Went back after the owner got home from work and looked at the engine stuff he had. He does have the original engine. Looks like something on the balance gears let go, the block is cracked in the corner by the balance gears. He has two other blocks/partial engines...
  20. D

    Archive through April 29, 2013

    A week ago or so I was told about a garage sale that happened a couple of weeks ago at whick there was a CC with a tiller and no engine in it for sale. I was told that he was by there last week and it was all still sitting by the garage. So I went and looked but no one was home so I didn't get...