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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. N

    Unexpectedly my son pased away.

    Very sorry for your loss. 🙏
  2. N

    C-48 Sweepster

    @dedgerly could you email me some more pics of the sweepster? Never seen one like that. Curious to see. Sent a pm with my email.
  3. N

    Archive through February 26, 2014

    Lew, Yes, we have met before.
  4. N

    Archive through February 26, 2014

    Thanks guys, I have 19 cubs, I will send some info on the 169.
  5. N

    Archive through February 25, 2014

    I had to put on a replacement tire temporarily, old one was no good, already fixed.Also came with a nice 38in deck.
  6. N

    Archive through February 25, 2014

    Another pic, this was when we loaded it up, i have since got it running and it runs great. Needs a hydro pump gasket though.
  7. N

    Archive through February 25, 2014

    Hey Guys, my name is Nick and im new to the forum, im 14 and have 19 cub cadets and all the IH carts, i have 4 #2 carts LOL. Heres my newest addition to the collection. We went to PA to pick it up from our good friend Ray Weaver.