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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. J

    Archive through March 04, 2004

    Speaking of my website, it will be moving soon. I have started (finally) my business website. Just bought a mobile computer lab to to training and to buy cub stuff. Will let you know when it moves. Jonathan
  2. J

    Archive through February 20, 2004

    Thanks Charlie!!!!!!!!!!1 I owe you one. Jon
  3. J

    Archive through February 18, 2004

    Charlie, What is the size of the splined part of the shaft. This is the measurement I am going to need to figure out which adapter kit I need. Thanks for the 40 count
  4. J

    Archive through February 18, 2004

    HELP Does anyone know off the top of their head what the size and spline count is for the steering shaft. I bought a fancy steering wheel but I need to get the hub. I was going to hack the hub off an exsisting wheel, but decided against it. I know that the nut is 5/8" fine Thanks...
  5. J

    Archive through February 17, 2004

    at-a-boy Bryan
  6. J

    Archive through February 07, 2004

    Travis-FUNNY! Kevin-She is 15 months old now, but thanks. Ryan-well, I have already hugged you. Steve - Congrats!!!! Girls are fun too:o) One of each, I would call it quits.
  7. J

    Archive through February 05, 2004

    I was very proud to be Amanda and Ryan's first guest. He is a real cutie. No. . . I don't mean you, Ryan.
  8. J

    Archive through February 04, 2004

    When I decided to build my flamecutter (which is almost finished), not only was I going to use it for dual wheel adapter hubs, but I was going to use it to cut out suitcase weights (Like the ones Travis has for sale from time to time), but now that I have started construction on my cupola...
  9. J

    Archive through February 02, 2004

    My wife asked an interesting question the other day and I did not have an answer. Do they have to remove snow from train tracks. What is the answer?
  10. J

    Archive through February 02, 2004

    Someone asked the other day about flat handle grips for the x82 series tractors. Here is a source that i found. http://www.mocap.com/flat_rectangular_grips_caps.asp I hope this helps Jon
  11. J

    Archive through February 02, 2004

    On the hydraulic lever covers. . . I would look it up on the internet. I bet there is a company that makes them. The bar stock should be a standard size. My problem with the dips are they seem to attract dirt easily. Jon
  12. J

    Archive through January 29, 2004

    Charles, 14hp is going in my plow special. Sorry! Ryan, Love that lift. my crank up lift works just as well. We have got to get together before Amanda pops. And as the looks of it, that isn't far off. I am at a computer conference this weekend. Catch you all later.
  13. J

    Archive through January 27, 2004

    Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. . . You have no idea how your life is going to change. If you do your fatherly duties right, you will be thankful to even look at your cubs time to time. Snow removal has been fun. The 14 hp in the 123 is nice, but will be removed for a 12 soon. Hope all is well.
  14. J

    Archive through December 07, 2003

    Kraig, Are you throwing snow with the trailer attached? How come?
  15. J

    Archive through December 07, 2003

    There is nothing like a 2+2 that is why I have one. I love driving that thing. It's almost the most fun you can have on a tractor.
  16. J

    Archive through December 07, 2003

    Then you need to find one of the following Cub Cadet Original 70, 100 71, 102, 122 72, 104, 124 73, 106, 126 86, 108, 128 800, 1000, 1200 82 series????? I think the 582, maybe 3 and 482, I don't remember.
  17. J

    Archive through December 07, 2003

    Joel-Just off-topic here. I really don't know much about them, not sure of the age. But seems to be a mute point since you don't want another hydro. Don't sell them short. That would be a big mistake. Right now I have more hydros than gear drives, not on purpose, just the way it is right...
  18. J

    Archive through December 07, 2003

    Joel-That would be an MTD unit.
  19. J

    Archive through December 05, 2003

    For the farm we have had a 15k generator for 30 years. When Y2K was coming, my grandmother (may she rest in peace) purchased for the farm a 50k generator and 2000 gallons of diesel fuel (tanks to boot). Dad told her it was unnessesary, but didn't listen. The transfer switch for that bad boy...
  20. J

    Archive through December 05, 2003

    2-3" in Fort Wayne, IN Hope all is well. Can't move snow in the morning anymore, would be driving right by the baby's room. All plowing done after school and before baby bed time. J