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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. J

    Archive through September 30, 2006

    I really like that setup, but it is really OUT THERE. Mighty hard on front spindles, don't ya think. J
  2. J

    Archive through September 19, 2006

    I wonder what the differences are between the three model numbers. J
  3. J

    Archive through September 19, 2006

    Is our regulator for cub cadets a Delco 1118988? Does anyone have the cross reference to the delco number if this is not it? Jon
  4. J

    Archive through September 06, 2006

    You will also see the "Original" listed here as CCO. When we started using that several years ago, some people had a real fit. I thought it was a good fit, all the other models had a 3 or 4 number model name and I was getting tired writing "Cub Cadet Original" all the time. :o) Charlie and...
  5. J

    Archive through August 30, 2006

    D-I would agree. I have heard stories about Fort Wayne's IH Scout production and the advancements in databases. I really meant for the little guy like us, not the company as a whole. I should have made that more clear. J
  6. J

    Archive through August 30, 2006

    That only took 6+ years!!!! I can remember way back when when cub cadet first started with Parts Smart. I remember having a conversation with a CC terr. manager about how crazy it was that they did not have a online parts lookup for the public. At that time (5 years ago) he told me, "we're...
  7. J

    Archive through August 25, 2006

    Bryan Metro??? Train? What are they for. J
  8. J

    Archive through August 25, 2006

    Thanks Ray. Hope to get to the "Windy City" soon for a little trip to your play house. We will have to do lunch. J
  9. J

    Archive through August 25, 2006

    I wish Dad's 1066 looked that good! BTW, what is involved in a LP conversion. I would assume it is mostly in the carb (and a LP tank, Duh!)
  10. J

    Archive through August 24, 2006

    Sounds like I better plan for a "seperation" of the saucer, I mean, transaxle section.;o)
  11. J

    Archive through August 24, 2006

    I like that. Those episodes were just on last week.
  12. J

    Archive through August 24, 2006

    What is the forum's collective opinion on a set of lights that keep blowing fuses only when the engine is running. xx2/3 series tractor. Hope all is well, I know I will be spending a lot more time around here now.
  13. J

    Archive through April 06, 2006

    I hope you guys have a fantastic plow day. I just put Hannah back to bed after her 2:00 a.m. feeding. I did nothing but think of you guys. Drive safe and plow a couple furrows for me. Jonathan,
  14. J

    Archive through April 06, 2006

    Thanks funny, Ken. What resolution and type size, ;o)
  15. J

    Archive through April 06, 2006

    Since I have had such luck having my questions answered tonight, here is an other one, How long are the "original" dual wheel adapter studs ( you know, the bolts). (Message edited by jluckey on April 06, 2006)
  16. J

    Archive through April 06, 2006

    Hey Guys!!! LONG TIME, NO TYPE. Is the pipe fitting for the mufflers (like for the 123) still available, or are they NLA? Please let me know. Jon P.S. WE HAD OUR NEW LITTLE GIRL LAST WED. Hannah Elizabeth and Mom are doing fine. J
  17. J

    AC Buzz box to AC/DC "Improved" Conversion Complete

    here is a couple more
  18. J

    AC Buzz box to AC/DC "Improved" Conversion Complete

    Well, it has taken six months, but I finally got the conversion complete. I call this an AC/DC "Improved" because of the size of my diodes and the additional "turbo" fan to keep things cool. I would not recommend this conversion as a cheap way to add DC to a "Not Already Purchased Welder". I...
  19. J

    Archive through September 06, 2005

    I am glad to know that my site is still useful. Maybe some day I will get to finish it.