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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. J

    Archive through October 11, 2003

    Bryan- I am releaved to see your posts. I saw on the ticker tape this morning that there was a bad comuter (sp?) train crash in the Windy City this morning. I take it you were not involved. Sure hated missing Plum tree this weekend, will hate even more missing PD6 this coming weekend...
  2. J

    Archive through October 09, 2003

    Travis, You are now playing with the big boys! Making that rain day call is a rough one. I didn't sleep all week, trying to decide. Truth be known, I should have moved PD 3, but I didn't, and I lucked out big time! And I mean big time. For those of you who showed up on Friday and Keith...
  3. J

    Archive through October 02, 2003

    Mike, I really only see it as a problem when the parter-outers start making underhanded deals for tractors that would have gone to a nice home (or raising the cost of complete tractors (supply and demand)). I feel confident that we do NOT have that problem here. All the parter-outers I have...
  4. J

    Archive through September 30, 2003

    Do we have anybody in the Lansing, MI area that could pic up a tractor for me. Jon
  5. J

    Archive through September 30, 2003

    Bryan, I swear that some people just don't know how to READ!
  6. J

    Archive through September 28, 2003

    I think that DanHco uses a nylon washer on the hoods of his creations. This would help in vibration and to make the hood stay up half way at shows. Right Bryan? J
  7. J

    IH Cub Cadet Plow Day 5.0 March 29, 2003

    I had a great time Fri & Sat. It was good to see all the regulars and a lot of new people as well. Cub Connection-Thanks for hosting. You did the best any of us could have done. Thanks for a job well done. Hope to see a lot of you in WI in a couple of weeks.