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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. C

    Cub Cadet 147 Refurb/Mod

    Hi Cubbie! I just thought I'd do something different and put a little more tech in my tractor. This engine is +4hp over the Kohler, has electric start built-in, as well as will charge my battery without the need of the original starter-generator. I also never liked the original fuel delivery...
  2. C

    Cub Cadet 147 Refurb/Mod

    I did a partial teardown removing all unneeded parts, including the engine, deck, and attaching hardware:
  3. C

    Cub Cadet 147 Refurb/Mod

    On that note, here's the new 18hp DuraMax engine that will replace the original Kohler 14hp:
  4. C

    Cub Cadet 147 Refurb/Mod

    Here are the numbers/specs:
  5. C

    Cub Cadet 147 Refurb/Mod

    Hello IH Cub Cadet Forum! I used a 1969/70 CC147 from 1978 to 2012 mainly to mow a 1+ acre church property. I retired it 10 years ago in favor of a new (non-IH) tractor. I actually got tired of fixing it and gave in to a brand new shiny red tractor. Anyhow, I've started a refurb/mod of the...