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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 05, 2017

    My 149 at work a few years ago. Not a lot of snow, but enough. I run chains, but no weights at all. It is a bulldozer! I've never got it stuck. Granted we haven't gotten 24" of snow in one shot, but for what we do get it works well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DiEuYKL8xo
  2. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 05, 2017

    Ok, I got some pictures to share. I know how forums are....everyone likes pictures! The patient waiting on new front legs: The rebuilt axle: Bushings installed: Since the bushings tightened up after pressing them in, I just lightly sanded the spindles til they slipped in...
  3. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 04, 2017

    Well, got my care package yesterday from Charlie. Thanks. I got my spindles fitted to the axle last night. I did some investigation on my steering arm and realized that the hole is tapered out to near 3/8" on both sides of the spindle. I aligned it in my mill and drilled it to 3/8". I...
  4. lkortkamp

    Archive through November 26, 2017

    I see Charlie has a care package coming my way today. I found out that there is no 9mm roll pins available(8 or 10). Hmmm, hate to have to weld the holes shut and then redrill them. To get them all aligned and drilled is a pain in the butt. Not sure if a tapered pin will hold over the...
  5. lkortkamp

    Archive through November 26, 2017

    Hey guys. Just checking in after a long summer of running in lots of circles. If anyone recalls I bought a 127 last spring. I pulled the front axle out of it early summer to fix all the worn parts. I made a purchase from the local Mcmaster Carr and got me some new bushings to fix the...
  6. lkortkamp

    Archive through July 24, 2017

    I'm betting the picture was doctored up for better appearance in the book. They leaned the front end out to allow better visual on the details they were discussing in the photo. Kinda like a "cutaway view".
  7. lkortkamp

    Archive through July 10, 2017

    Harry, I see the difference and I understand the offset. It needs to be moved outward from the frame so the electric lift can be mounted and clear everything. At least that is what it seems. I'll take a look at what is on my tractor now and once I get to the point of mounting an electric lift...
  8. lkortkamp

    Archive through July 07, 2017

    HydroHarry: Going back to my July 1st comment about my electric lift and the rockshaft. (sorry, I've been gone and way too busy to check in lately). I'm assuming you mean the pivot point that the lift attaches to that rotates and lifts the deck? Sorry if I'm out of the loop on terminology...
  9. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 29, 2017

    Wayne and Harry-- From the few pictures I've seen of the electric lift, it basically is a linear actuator. A motor(mounted perpendicular) turning a bevel gear that rotates a lead screw that moves a shaft in/out. Like mentioned, I'm very familiar with them and buying one that will work is...
  10. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 29, 2017

    Hydro: What usually fails on the electric lift? They are just linear actuators, correct? Does the motor just fail? I know where to get actuators and they are not very expensive even for like a 600# pull version. I'm building a 41 Willys hot rod for a fellow and he wanted an automatic...
  11. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 26, 2017

    Scott......I could extend the frame rails and install a blown 390 I just happen to have..... Since the rear axle has 5 x 4 1/2" bolt circle a set of old Centerlines will bolt right on.
  12. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 26, 2017

    Harry, yes the tractor did have electric lift. The previous owner said he had the parts, somewhere. I do want to replace it at some time as I'm really spoiled with my 149 hydraulic lift. I'm still getting small packages of parts as he finds stuff in his garage.
  13. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 26, 2017

    Well, that is how it sits now. Wayne, thanks for the heads up on tightening up the axle. I'll look into it.
  14. lkortkamp

    Archive through June 26, 2017

    Well, I finally got some time to start on my 127 project yesterday. I bought it early this spring, running, but needing some love. I got the nose off, motor pulled(only had ONE bolt holding it in) and the front axle out of it. The pin is actually pretty nice but the axle was sloppy. I'm...
  15. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 28, 2017

    Thanks Charlie. The 6" looked awfully small. I got lots of literature with the 127, just need to read through it I guess. I just picked up an extra 42" bare deck. Might get it blasted and painted then install the pieces from the 42" that is on my 149. Current deck is nice, but wanted to...
  16. lkortkamp

    Archive through January 28, 2017

    Ok, quick question on front tires. What is the original size for a 127? Mine came with a mix match set on the front. One was 16x6.5-8 and the other side was 15x6-6. I have a few extras of both sizes that came with the tractor so I just need to figure out which is "right".
  17. lkortkamp

    Archive through December 30, 2016

    Found out something interesting this past week. I stopped at local bearing store to get some new wheel bearings for the front tires. I used the last new one I had and likely this winter will beat up the others. I gave the counterperson the part number and they brought them up. They asked...
  18. lkortkamp

    Archive through November 28, 2016

    Ya, kinda figured it might have something in the manual. I was flipping through that stuff the other day, but just thought about it and since I was posting I would throw it out there. I like the fact it has a spot to add oil. Putting oil in the 149 takes a steady hand. Or at least one of...
  19. lkortkamp

    Archive through November 25, 2016

    Kirk, I'm no machinist. Yes, I play one when I can but only because I had the opportunity to teach myself at work. Just like welding, AUTOCAD and everything else I've learned in the last 30 yrs here. It helps with never ending hobbies I have. Kraig, interesting. You would have thought...
  20. lkortkamp

    Archive through November 25, 2016

    Well, if it turns out it is just the pin, then I'm golden. I can take a bit of wiggle, but what it is now is way too bad. I'm assuming the worst right now. Luckily I have a full selection of machines to do any kind of repair needed. I've got a G/L Horizontal mill at my disposal that I could...