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  1. mconway

    Archive through May 28, 2016

    just throwin' this out there....has anybody had the underside of a deck sprayed with linex bed liner? i'm thinking about tryin' it on the 42 incher i rebuilt last year....maybe 1/16 inch or so to keep from rusting. probably would make clean up a lot easier too. interested in your thoughts
  2. mconway

    Archive through April 24, 2016

    thanks charlie....now i can get to work and get my 109 ready for the nice weather....
  3. mconway

    Archive through December 09, 2015

    morning ed, here's what i made up for my 109 a few years ago. 1/2 inch threaded rod with clevis rod ends from macmaster carr(pn 1583K61). no problems but i may slip a piece of pipe over it as it looks like i have a slight tweek on one end but it still works fine.
  4. mconway

    Archive through November 23, 2015

    all you cubbers have a happy and safe thanksgiving......
  5. mconway

    Archive through October 25, 2015

    i knew this was there but after working for the us navy for 28+years....i still gotta confirm everything....
  6. mconway

    Archive through October 22, 2015

    well, alot of you have seen my posts from last summer on my 42" deck refurb for my 109 so i thought i'd share my latest score. i got the 109 from my mother in law years ago and now one of the grandkids has bought her house. while cleaning out the garage, my brother in law came across these wheel...
  7. mconway

    Archive through July 25, 2015

    it's been a while so i just wanted to get an update on the rebuilt 42 inch i did for my 109. after i got it together and tested, and the factory settings for level, it took a bit of do-dickin' around to get everything set to where i was satisfied. so far, i'm satisfied....
  8. mconway

    Archive through July 04, 2015

    yeah jim i had it at about 3/4 throttle. just for a bit tho. rpm is set where it should be and i mow at full throttle but eased into it for the initial startup on the rebuilt deck. i left the pulleys as i only wanted what is seen to look decent...and i think it does....
  9. mconway

    Archive through July 03, 2015

    chris and frank....i got some of them too but i admit...using them for oil spout funnels never occurred to me...but i still have them and now have a use for them so mama can't say wth are you keepin' them for....you guys ever get that?
  10. mconway

    Archive through July 01, 2015

    i ended up making two passes charlie...i just wanted to hit it hard for a bit and shake any issues out and see what happens... she did a fair job overall tho...
  11. mconway

    Archive through July 01, 2015

    here ya go....first time running...sure hope that sound ain't a bearing cuz i don't want to get right back into this thing... https://youtu.be/GSU79GKJ6yc
  12. mconway

    Archive through July 01, 2015

    thanx jeff, have you followed my whole ordeal and seen some of the issues i had to solve? hopefully it's all good now...i'll get that left runner on as soon as the paint dries...
  13. mconway

    Archive through July 01, 2015

    ok, here we go....the last post of the 42" rebuild and maybe a video of it cutting if i can figure that one out. the pics are in this order...thanx for all the comments, support, info and to ccs for the parts i needed... 1) what i started with and what i have now... 2) the left runner...
  14. mconway

    Archive through June 26, 2015

    the 42 is coming along....couple more pieces and hopefully she'll be cutting like the beast she is.... guards and blades now but we got a bunch of rain coming so no mowing today...thanx for comments and a huge thanx to ccs for helping me "git 'er done...."
  15. mconway

    Archive through June 16, 2015

    yup kendal..got it ready to go just didn't get it on for these pics...
  16. mconway

    Archive through June 16, 2015

    still progressing...gotta sharpen the blades, measure for a spindle drive belt, get the guides/wheels on and try this thing out.... i'm a flatwasher/lockwasher guy so....
  17. mconway

    Archive through June 13, 2015

    more deck stuff...as i said before, i'm replacing all the hardware and saving the original stuff with the ih headstamp for my kids when i ain't around no more....they might not want it but they're stuck with it. got it all for less than 18 bux from fastenal...this isn't all of it...some stuff is...
  18. mconway

    Archive through June 10, 2015

    ok...here we go....more 42" spindle pics but i'm closing in on gettin' it done....'bout friggin' time don't ya think? all new seals... plenty of clearance for the spindle cup.... painted and lookin good...
  19. mconway

    Archive through June 10, 2015

    ok....i'm ready to get slammed....as in a previous post on the 42", the ih spacers, IH-473431-R3, mic out at .3815 and were below the spindle housing. so, i needed a fix to get the Spindle/Cup Assembly IH-489389-R1 to fit and not rub on the housing. so i went to mcmaster carr and got some drill...
  20. mconway

    Archive through June 09, 2015

    picked up all my hardware from fastenal today so it won't be much longer til that 42 is ready....pics will be comin'....gonna be to pretty to get dirty.....NOT...