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IH Cub Cadet Forum

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  1. PhilipDavis

    Diy attachments

    The lift needs to be finished, I will tap the holes on the ends, and run a shouldered grade 8 bolt. Also need to make the lift link. I left the lift long enough to modify later when I figure out the geometry for class 0. I need to alter the blade some, I didn't add enough angle to it, so it...
  2. PhilipDavis

    Diy attachments

    I bought my 129 specifically for ground engagement, but I jumped on one with only a mower deck. I was just a little bit too excited about it when I saw it(im still happy with the purchase, I just need to make up for it). So I started working on a grader-like blade to swap out the deck, and since...
  3. PhilipDavis

    So it begins...

    Yup, I ended up lubing and tightening the bolt inside that pinches the throttle. Stays in place now, but it seems like I need to go through and clean the carb. Every once in a while I have to add choke while the engine is warm. It is funny that overall it is in decent shape, but has a bunch of...
  4. PhilipDavis

    So it begins...

    I finished the blade, and it works well enough. I might play around with the design, as of right now it floats like the deck would unless it's all the way down. I didn't account for that when I was making it. So I can either remove the floating links and make hard ones, or add weight. Also the...
  5. PhilipDavis

    So it begins...

    Thanks everyone. I've been poking around the sponsor sites, they look to be very helpful. Once I am done with the attachments I'm going to replace tranny seals and try to dial in the carb. I can feel the obsession starting... I just bought the 129, but I can't help looking around for another to...
  6. PhilipDavis

    So it begins...

    I bought my first Cub Cadet just the other day. After doing some research, I decided on getting a CC because of how popular they are, and how functional they can be. Now that I own it I see the potential, and am really excited to put it to work. I have needed to tune up several things to get it...