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  1. D

    My wife's cub cadet 100

    Shaun, It is an IH cub cadet so this could go up on the main page for Garden tractors. More people might see it. thanks,
  2. D

    I just report it

    If this is a repost I apologize I just like Mike Rowe
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    Archive through September 06, 2011

    Girl friend, 3 or 4 days ago, buys a mouse shaped thing advertised as cat nip. She walks in the house yesterday gets almost to the kitchen and screams, LOUD. Her daughter and I make it to her about the same time from different direction. My girlfriend is almoost speachless, she points. Me and...
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    If Pearl Harbor happened TODAY

    Some how, I think when we meet the big guy upstairs, most of what men on this earth worry about just aint gonna matter.
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    If Pearl Harbor happened TODAY

    Ryan if they could put the training on an Ipod or play station it might suprise you how fast a kid could figure it out.
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    Steve, could it be the distance? I have a good 12-3 50 footer. It ran my aircompressor for extended periods without getting hot. It would run the welder but not with good results.
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    The thing I forgot to mention yesterday is get the longest cord you can find on one. You can't use an extension cord. I've always wondered if hard wiring 50ft. of 12-3 into the breakerbox would work but I've never done it.
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    I bought one of those crappy cheap 110 welders about 8 or 10 years ago. I use flux core wire, usually .30. I've went through mabey 6 roles of wire since I've owned it and I know theres better out there, this welder will weld steel. I have used it to weld cracks in cub frames, fill holes and the...
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    IH in films

    I know this threads about IH trucks but somebody else brought it up so I'll just add, Remember Don Knots being the spokesman for dodge trucks?
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    Northeast Iowa plow day spring 2012 April 7, 2012

    When I hosted a PD The landowners kid was in 4-H so thats who did the food stand.
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    Archive through November 25, 2011

    Just a fyi, the gear box gasket for the snow blower is apparently nla. I found one locally nos. Charlie, can you still get them?
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    Air Compressors

    Jeremiah, I think I've heard a 1/4 inch nozzle on a small sand blaster will use 12 cfpm. If your going to paint or use it on a sand blaster an air dryer of some sort is not a bad idea.
  13. D

    Northeast Iowa plow day spring 2012 April 7, 2012

    178 miles, roughly, If the schedule would let I'd in, but no way to tell now. Would be cool to pick up my son in Dubuque and show him how guys have fun.
  14. D

    Archive through November 25, 2011

    Paul, thats a lesson in the difference between horse power and torque.
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    Archive through November 23, 2011

    Lonny red muffler is either lean or spark is to far advanced. The hard part is figuring out which.
  16. D

    Archive through November 21, 2011

    Kraig, nope, I didn't even own a plow then.
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    Archive through November 21, 2011

    Kraig second one down. I got my hands in my pockets.
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    Archive through November 21, 2011

    What year was PD 1. That one picture is proof I have been getting better looking for a while now.
  19. D

    Archive through November 18, 2011

    Kraig, Your right I was having an episode.
  20. D

    Archive through November 18, 2011

    Anybody else notice that picture Ken posted is backwards?