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  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    I’ll take care of that promptly, after that how does it look? I read the page in the manual but really want the opinion of others
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    Here is the newly installed clutch. I replaced everything except the pressure plates and the shaft. I attempted to get the pin plate to...
    • IMG_1773.jpeg
    • IMG_1777.jpeg
  • Jamocha
    I was curious if it was possible to simply replace the pins in part number IH-384652-R11. If so, I would appreciate being pointed in the...
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha reacted to mpatterson's post in the thread Clutch issues with Like Like.
    I have a question - sort of related - what about the clutch release lever, how do you know when one is worn out? How much "slop" or...
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    Would this rod be sufficient if I need it?
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    I am assuming standard roll pins won't cut it for this application
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    What about the diameter?
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    If I have to replace the actual shaft I was thinking of just drilling my own and using this McMaster-Carr Round Stock
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    Also, what is the diameter of of the shaft? without being in front of it I am guessing 5/8"? would it be crazy to just get round stock...
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    Are you referring to the bolt holding the press plate in place? I assumed they simply swapped the roll pin out for the bolt for whatever...
  • Jamocha
    Should also mention I am looking for front tires too. Not ag treads though. Probably not turf ones either
  • Jamocha
    I am looking for tires for my 126, I plan on using this to plow/work my garden, push snow, and mow my yard a little(already have a mower...
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread The $100 126 restoration.
    I will saw that once I put gas in it and a battery it fired right up.
  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread The $100 126 restoration.
    Update 1: Fuel line was replaced at some point with a cheap plastic one, which was leaking at the valve. I replaced it with a similar...
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  • Jamocha
    Jamocha replied to the thread Clutch issues.
    Ignore the turkey decoy my son was playing in the background of the photos lol