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  • dschwandt
    Cutting new parts this week from new 1/4" & 3/8" plate. The table is set up and we will be cutting new 1/4" and 3/8"" plate this week...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Brinley plow.
    Back in the day I think there were replacement points that could be welded to fix those, for 14's and 16's but probably not the smaller...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    Not a can of worms or anything else, just another option is all.
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    Be careful, that style of chains with the grousers will really raise Cain with your driveway & sidewalks if you should spin on some ice.
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    You would be better off with 2 link chains instead of 4 link.
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    Auto parts store, those look like generic parts store lights. Probably cheaper to buy new ones than to look for just the lenses.
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Brinley plow.
    "Back in the day" they were welded, heated in a forge, hammered back into shape on a drop hammer then sharpened and polished on a huge...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread I got one.
    Nothin' wrong w/that!! :greenthumb:
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread HYTRAN fluid.
    And $6+ a quart for regular motor oil is not too much!!! But about the same price for hy-tran is???!!!
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt reacted to mgonitzke's post in the thread HYTRAN fluid with Like Like.
    The hydro units contain very precisely machined parts, and as such, are very sensitive to contamination. The point of the moisture...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    No reason then why it should not go back on. No one said it would be easy. Drive into it a bit further until the forks on the mount line...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Belt size needed..
    For starters, the thrower has to go toward the rear of the tractor more, lined up with/on the 2 shoulder bolts in order to clear the...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread HYTRAN fluid.
    Simple...If you pull the plug and the fluid comes out looking like a milkshake, it IS NOT HY_TRAN.
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt reacted to mgonitzke's post in the thread HYTRAN fluid with Like Like.
    There is a difference between "meets the minimum requirements for performance" and "best for longevity". The hydro unit manufacturer has...
  • dschwandt
    dschwandt replied to the thread Exhaust recommendations.
    She will hate it more with a stack blowing back face not to mention the noise The Quiet Line Cubs are just that, much quieter than the...